The RIGHT training for YOU!
We are very proud of what we have to offer here at Ignite. With 17 + years experience in the industry and with several courses and workshops attended over that time, we can offer you exactly what is needed to help YOU towards your goals.
Boxing & Kickboxing For Fitness
We believe we offer some of the best Boxing & Kickboxing for Fitness classes here in Adelaide and we also believe that our fitness services are different to what is offered elsewhere. We teach with passion and offer a service that is great value for money. We care about our client’s health and fitness and we are determined to help keep people moving.
So what’s so good about our Boxing & Kickboxing for Fitness? Here is a short list:
I myself, as head trainer, have been hitting pads in Muay Thai for nearly 10 years! What does this mean for you? It means that I have hands on experience as a trainer. I have put myself through the paces, to teach you what it is to actually hit the pads, properly. Our trainers also get put through their paces, they learn from me and other trainers in the field. So why is that important to you, you may ask?
You want someone to teach you how to strike properly, how to hold pads effectively, how to do things safely. I'll be honest, there wouldn't be many gyms around the place that put so much emphasis on getting their members to punch properly. This is YOUR body we are talking about, and YOU want to look after it and of course, we are laser focused on teaching you how to.
Boxing & Kickboxing for Fitness classes burn a lot of calories. If you are looking to train efficiently and intelligently, then this is the training for you. On average you could burn anywhere between 500 and 800 calories. That is an amazing amount of calories burnt in an hour session.
You get fit, fast! Boxing & Kickboxing for Fitness classes are a great way to increase your fitness. It’s a total body workout and will help tone and will significantly improve your cardiovascular fitness.
It’s fun. There is nothing like hitting the pads after a hard day at work, or of course getting that sweat up before your day is about to begin. You get to meet and interact with people in our sessions too which we believe is so important in a society where we are ever increasingly spending time in almost solitude behind computer screens and smart phones.
It’s a great stress reliever. You got a lot going on? Kids driving you crazy, come hit the pads with us! We will sort it out for you
Small Group Training And Kettlebell Training (Certified by the R.K.C.)
So why would YOU want to participate in these classes? Here is what we believe you'll get out of training in these groups
PROPER INSTRUCTION - Honestly, this is the truth! There just aren't many trainers out there that know how to teach people to lift and move SAFELY
Small Group means it is more personalised
We will get you strong! Some of the people in the video that you see here started with 0 chin ups.
KNOWLEDGE - It may sound like gloating, but we are very confident in teaching you HOW TO TRAIN
Routine - You want to get fitter, you want to get stronger, but you consistently have come up with excuses of the months and years as to why you can't train. Well... you need this. This is the place to start to create the routine and eventual life long habit, you have always wanted
ACCOUNTABILITY - We all need a bit of help and guidance, and we are confident in our ability to deliver the right amount to you.
Kettlebells are a fantastic training tool. The secret of Kettlebells being… that it’s not about the Kettlebell! It’s the focus on efficient movement, mobility, posture and the Kettlebell provides the tool to enable that focus.
YES, posture and mobility should be a huge focus for you. Our society is so desk and device bound, it's quite scary!
The Russian Kettlebell is an EXTREME HAND HELD GYM. It is a tool used by many of the best coaches and athletes around the world. You don’t need a gym full of machines to get fit. In fact most of the machines out there are probably doing the general public more harm than good.
Here’s a summary of what Kettlebell training has to offer you:
Develops all-purpose strength – to easily handle the toughest and most unexpected demands
Increases Resilience – get tougher physically, but also mentally!
Maximize staying power
Blends strength with flexibililty
Burns fat– one of the best ways of torching fat is Kettlebell training
Forges a fighter’s physique– the form follows the function
Allows strength training anywhere, anytime
If you are looking to train smarter and more efficiently, if you have on-going joint and muscular pain then Kettlebell training could be your ticket to a fitter and healthier you! Fundamental movements practiced are the SWING and TURKISH GET UP. Such movements will help you develop a STRONG AND HEALTHY LOWER BACK, DEVELOP CORE STRENGTH AND PROMOTE SHOULDER STABILITY, MOBILITY AND RESILIENCE.
Youth Boxing For Fitness
It may sound biased, but our Youth Boxing For Fitness classes have been a great success!
Please take the time to watch the video above and of course reach out to us when you are ready to have your child join us
Corporate Training
Group training is a way to boost morale, productivity and the general energy of individuals in a business or organisation. The health and well-being of your staff is paramount to the successful running of any business.
If you are looking to introduce a fitness program to your staff then you are making a smart business decision. Businesses/Organisations can choose to subsidise or partly subsidise training fees for their employees. Having a regular fitness program for your business, is an investment in your business.
Corporate and Group Fitness
BEACH Energy have been undertaking a fitness program for their staff for over 7 years now. Being predominantly office workers, we’ve made a huge focus on increasing mobility and flexibility to help with postural issues related to office work and remaining in a seated position for lengthy periods of time. We’ve also worked on strength and cardio and their true love has been the ‘Boxing for Fitness’ routines. There is nothing like hitting the pads to help relieve the stress of a busy work load. Their employees, without question feel fitter, healthier and of course happy in their involvement in the fitness program.
One on One Training
Personal Training With Scott Jenkins
Personal Trainer Scott Jenkins has been in the fitness industry for more than 17 years now and has helped a broad range of individuals achieve their fitness goals. Whether you are looking to tone up, lose weight or improve general fitness, Scott can help you to achieve your best! He specialises in boxing for fitness and has been employed by Thump training systems as an assistant presenter for boxing for fitness courses, basically (training the trainers).
Scott can also help you with:
NUTRITIONAL ADVICE – The key foundation of weight loss.
KETTLEBELL TRAINING – A fantastic training tool. Learn how to train more efficiently and effectively with such movements as the SWING and TURKISH GET UP
FITNESS TEST PREPARATION – Scott has helped individuals perform and pass beep tests for the army, build strength to perform pull ups for star force testing and even helped individuals prepare to compete for boxing tournaments.
PLEASE NOTE! We also offer one on one training sessions from our other trainers. They can train you at a location that is suited to your needs. Please send through and inquiry to find out more
Special Needs
Ignite caters for Special Needs exercise training in the community. Organisations such as A.N.F.E. have taken advantage of the training services provided by Ignite for over 8 years. The organisation offers a respite options program to the community for families and carers of individuals with physical and/ or intellectual disabilities. The importance of providing fitness training to all members of the public has been realised by A.N.F.E and their decision to incorporate group exercise training has seen many benefits amongst its participants.
Here are just a few of the many results that participants have gained over the years of training:
Improved confidence in movement and general motor skill
Improvement in balance
Cardiovascular fitness
An outlet to release stress
Strength and the list goes on
For some of the individuals, the most important fact is that they’ve gone from a life of little or close to no movement, i.e. (being seated all day) to moving around, walking, running and generally having a lot of fun!
If you are a part of an organisation that offers a respite program, then you need to get an exercise regime on board. It’s essential that all members of the community get access to physical training. Give us a call at Ignite so we can help you or your organisation, make a start on helping more people, to start training today!